We are ready to unveil our latest #Power30ICBOs poster. Bobby Wilson and Marcelo Bonta will be presenting at the ASTC annual conference. We are pretty excited. We’ll share the ICBO contact cards next–stay tuned!
We are proud of our partner Bobby Wilson from Metro Atlanta Urban Farm (http://themetroatlantaurbanfarm.com/) in Georgia! Bobby organized an ongoing fundraiser to help Puerto Rico after the hurricanes Irma and María and the photos are from two different trips to mail the generous the donations. These are reaching marginalized communities in the center of the island where help has been absent. If you want to join him in this effort, you can contact him directly at (404)788-2432 or at bobby@themetroatlantaurbanfarm.org
Our partner José Miguel Hernandez Hurtado Manresa Molina… performs during his His one-man show, “From Cuba to ‘Cuse” in Syracuse, New York. In this personal story of growing up in Cuba and the culture clash he encountered upon immigrating to the United States, he shared stories that resonate with our community perspectives on equity, diversity and inclusion.
"When one side is historically resourced and the other under-resourced, economically, then there is a tendency towards arrogance on the part of the former and distrust on the part of the latter. So first, the arrangement needs to be rectified…"
John Annoni, CEO of Camp Compass and one of the Power 30 ICBOs, presents at the National Outdoor Mentoring Alliance Summit last June in Nebraska. Check out John’s amazing work with youth at http://www.campcompass.org/
Karen, Bobby and Marilú presented at the American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) last July in Connecticut. We had a great group of people with good questions and lots of interest in the research. Equity, diversity and inclusion in community gardening were themes of interest in this great conference.
Makeda Cheatom and Berenice Rodriguez presenting at the Heirloom Expo! Again, we are thankful for the art provided by José González and the design by Marilú Lopez-Fretts. Grateful for all the amazing people on this project!
"Many times we only see researchers when they need a community-based “partner” to get or justify grants; the Community-based Organization and people depending on them are cut loose when the grant money runs out or never materializes. The words “partner” and “commitment” need close and ongoing examination and re-evaluation by all parties, given these systemic, predictable inequities and disparities." —
Marilú presenting results at the Citizen Science Association Conference in St Paul. Excited to begin sharing results. The poster was a hit. Marilú said, "It was the most popular poster at the conference!"
The ICBO latest poster sharing preliminary findings on Community Perspectives on Science Institutions and Community-based Organization collaborations. Presented at the Heirloom Expo by Makeda Cheatom and Berenice Rodriguez and Smith Leadership Symposium. It’s a work in progress, and we keep moving forward. Original art by José González. Poster design by Marilú López Fretts.
"The legacy question also needs to be addressed: how much cultural and intellectual knowledge that is unique to a community is being taken for free or cheap…?
— ICBO Research
Fanny Villarreal one of the #Power30ICBO researchers
have we not made significant advances in fostering diversity, equity
and inclusion in the fields of science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM)?